The Human Mind
Our mind can be thought of as being divided into two major parts: the
conscious mind and the subconscious mind. In our computer age, we can
analogize the two parts of the mind to a computer model by considering the
subconscious mind as the hardware of the computer; storing, processing
and remembering information, and the conscious mind as the software
which uses the hardware (the subconscious mind) to accomplish its tasks
(day to day existence), while being unable to operate without it.
This is not to imply that we have two minds. We do not. The mind is a
single, unified whole. However, two very distinct levels do exist, each with
specific and unique functions and responsibilities. 
The subconscious mind contains and controls our emotions,
feelings, creativity, curiosity, memories, habits and what we have learned
from each of our experiences. The subconscious mind is also responsible
for all of the involuntary functions that keep us alive, such as respiration,
digestion, circulation, elimination, hormones, nerve responses, survival,
etc., as well as our involuntary muscle movements. This is perhaps the most
important function of the subconscious mind, its ability to automatically
control all of our bodily functions. A direct result of this automation is the
power our subconscious programming has to directly affect our health,
both physical and emotional.
The subconscious is the dominant part of our mind, encompassing
95% or more of our mind throughout our entire lives. However, despite its
size and power, the vast majority of us are not even aware of its existence.
At the time of our birth, only the subconscious mind exists, as the
conscious mind has not yet developed. Even before we are born, the
subconscious mind is active and working, absorbing information, directing
our lives, and forming beliefs from within the womb.
Once we enter the world, our subconscious mind continues to
absorb information without criticizing its content, accuracy or validity. It
simply accepts everything that is experienced as true and valid, and retains
the memory and teaching of that experience as a series of beliefs. This is
why we say children are “impressionable”: all offered input is uncritically

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All information and material on this site is © Copyright 2001-2014 by Dr. Julian Cauceglia including but not limited to experpts from his book "Make Up Their Mind" ISBN # 978-0971740716. None of this content may be used without written perminssion of the author.

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